PHY 121 Lab Summer Session
PHY 121 is a one semester course in introductory physics with applications to biology, primarily for students majoring in biological sciences or pre-clinical programs. PHY 121 Lab is intended to give students experience with the physics concepts about which they are studying and to help students learn techniques of data collection, analysis and presentation.The experiments performed during the lab sessions are closely related to the topics covered in the lecture. Topics for PHY 121 include mechanics, fluid mechanics, and thermodynamics.
For Summer 2023, PHY 121 will be taught in Stony Brook University Summer Session 1 from May 22 to June 30.
Here are manuals for experiments which your course instructor may choose for you to perform. Please consult your course Brightspace site for the schedule.
- Introduction to Labs ("Lab Zero")
- Geometry (Data Sheet)
- Pendulum (Data Sheet)
- Acceleration (Data Sheet)
- Projectile Motion (Data Sheet)
- Atwood Machine (Data Sheet)
- Centripetal Force (Data Sheet)
- Conservation of Energy (Data Sheet)
- Conservation of Momentum (Data Sheet)
- Simple Harmonic Motion (Data Sheet)
- Standing Waves (Data table)
Here are some documents you may find helpful:
Lab Report Expectations Note: this guide is useful but is NOT specific to your course.
Guide to Uncertainty and Error Analysis (Quick Reference)
Guide to Making and Using Plots
Here is a link to the plotting tool we will use to make our graphs in this class:
Section | When | Where |
PHY121 L01 | Mo,We 12:00- 2:00pm | A-117 |
PHY121 L03 | Mo,We 2:15-4:15pm | A-117 |
Course policies for PHY 121 in Summer Session are established by the instructor for that course. Please look for announcements via e-mail or on Brightspace.
- To contact your TA or course instructor, use their SBU e-mail address.
- For information on PHY 121 Lab in Fall or Spring semesters, see SBU Physics Introlabs